What is ‘Assessment’? Assessment helps us to determine a child’s understanding and plan for their future needs against expectations from the National Curriculum.
At Michael Drayton, we view assessment as a vital part of the teaching and learning process. We assess through the consistent assessment and recording of attainment – Assessment of Learning - to track pupil progress. We also assess each and every day during each lesson, piece of work and verbal exchange – Assessment for Learning – to inform future learning and curriculum planning. |
The purposes of assessment and feedback are:
- To ensure rapid rates of progress for pupils’ across school and the highest levels of attainment.
- To discover what children have learned and identify their next steps
- To inform planning and further work
- To ensure consistency of approach in assessment and record keeping procedures
- To analyse the performance of different cohorts of children and ensure appropriate intervention is provided
- To act as a means of accountability to governors, parents, the Head Teacher and other agencies
Forms of Assessment
Summative –Assessment of Learning
Summative assessments are assessments of children’s attainment taken to establish a pupil’s progress at a given time. Our assessments on SIMs show where we believe the child will be at the end of the current year. For example: if a child is assessed as secure in the Autumn term from the objectives covered thus far, we believe they will continue to meet the year group’s criteria securely throughout the year.
Assessment of Learning includes:
- End of Key Stage SATS
- Half-termly spelling diagnostics tests
- Termly Grammar, Reading & Maths tests
- Big Maths assessments
- Science investigations/Foundation subjects Skills Progression
- On entry base-line tests in Big Maths and Spellings
- Phonics/intervention assessments for specific pupils
Formative – Assessment for Learning
Formative assessment is continuous and informs planning, teaching and learning. It involves:
- Questioning
- Observing
- Discussion
- Setting targets
- Feedback
- Assessment against the learning intention
- Engaging pupils in reviewing progress
- Peer and self-assessments
What does Summative assessment look like at MDJS?
Summative assessments are part of a planned timetable of assessments that happen throughout the year. The following assessments are planned to help us monitor progress and attainment, and also to then feed into future learning:
- Reading, Writing, Maths, SPaG
Children will be assessed formally at the end of each term. Teachers use the National Curriculum programme of study combined with KS1 and KS2 ITAFs (Interim Teacher Assessment Frameworks) to make their judgements. Work in each subject will be moderated in and across year groups regularly to ensure consistency in levels awarded in each year group and across the school. It will then be assessed as part of the Cluster Moderation group.
- Assessments in other subject areas
Teaching staff will monitor children’s progress in Science, Learning Behaviours and the foundation subjects every term and enter their assessments onto SIMS during allocated time. Teachers will then use this information to inform planning and track progress through the year.
Outline of allocated assessment grades at MDJS
Working towards the expected standard |
Secure (at age related) |
Greater Depth
Working below year group |
Emerging |
Developing |
Due to specific learning needs, evidence indicates that the ‘age related’ pitch of learning is not accessible to the individual; therefore, they are working towards the expectations of a different Year Group |
Evidence of a few aspects of age related criteria
Secure in some aspects of the age related criteria |
Meeting the objectives outlined in the National Curriculum |
Secure in all of the age related criteria for their year group and able to choose how/when to apply these skills in a variety of different contexts. |