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Michael Drayton Junior School home page Michael Drayton Junior School home page

Michael Drayton Junior School

We Inspire, We Achieve, We Care

Contact Details



Competence, confidence, and the nurturing of a life-long love of reading is our aim for every child.  Without a secure grasp of the basic skills, so much of the wider curriculum becomes difficult to access.  Reading is an integral part of our school day and daily, pupils have a Guided Reading session.


Throughout the school, pupils are taught how to both infer and deduce from texts along with other important skills like skimming and scanning. Teachers then encourage the pupils to transfer these skills and apply and develop them across the curriculum.


All current findings highlight the vital role home plays in the learning partnership with the school.  WE POSITIVELY ENCOURAGE PARENTS TO SPEND 10-20 MINUTES A DAY SHARING SOME TYPE OF READING, e.g. storybooks, information books, newspapers, magazines, online, on-screen text.

For Lower Key Stage 2 children, the National Curriculum states:


For Upper Key Stage 2 children, the National Curriculum states:


The Woodlands, Hartshill, Nuneaton,
Warwickshire, CV10 0SZ

Tel: 02476392272