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Michael Drayton Junior School home page Michael Drayton Junior School home page

Michael Drayton Junior School

We Inspire, We Achieve, We Care

Contact Details

Pupil Internet and Home Access

All children have access to a filtered internet service via high speed broadband.  A high priority is given to Online Safety and an Online Safety agreement is made between school and home. All iPads and Chrome Books are monitored by RADAR Incident Response Management Software.


Children also have access to an email account using their school log in, which allows them to access the School Portal. The School Portal, which is accessible from home, allows a secure, personal on-line workspace for the whole school community.  Here, children will have access to MS Office, Purple Mash and j2e creative tools.

The Woodlands, Hartshill, Nuneaton,
Warwickshire, CV10 0SZ

Tel: 02476392272