P4C (Philosophy for Children)
P4C Questions of the Week! Autumn 1
What is P4C?
- P4C is a teaching and learning approach which contributes to the thinking skills of our young people.
- It allows students to respond to a stimulus, form questions based on this, then debate these questions in a safe and respectful manner with the class teacher acting as a facilitator.
- The children are encouraged to be diverse in their thinking, develop opinions with supporting reasons, analyse significant concepts and generally apply the best reasoning and judgement they can to explore the question they have chosen.
- Philosophy was introduced as new subject in 2015 at Michael Drayton Junior School and we are now the proud holders of the P4C Silver Award.
- P4C sessions are carried out weekly, with all students contributing and partaking in these sessions.
- Additionally, P4C is included as an element on event days, such as Parliament Day.
What are the benefits of P4C?
P4C allows opportunities for:
The development of critical and independent thinking skills
The exploration of different perspectives and values
The promotion of open-mindedness and the questioning of assumptions
Respectful and meaningful dialogue amongst students whilst acknowledging difference
The development of clarity and confidence when communicating
Building a greater awareness of local and global issues and making connections with them
If you have any questions or wish to know more, then please feel free to speak to Mrs Cowley at soanes.l@welearn365.com