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Michael Drayton Junior School home page Michael Drayton Junior School home page

Michael Drayton Junior School

We Inspire, We Achieve, We Care

Contact Details

Pupil Premium

Michael Drayton Junior School Pupil Premium Strategy.


Michael Drayton Junior School is committed to developing the whole child using a broad, balanced and enriched curriculum. We pride ourselves on fulfilling every child’s potential, instilling ambition, aspirations and developing self-belief. We achieve this by giving our pupils experiences, opening up their eyes to the world and its opportunities. We are passionate and have a compelling commitment to equip our pupils with the attributes needed to excel in life, giving them the knowledge to succeed, the resilience to not give up and the confidence to accept nothing but the best.


The focus of the pupil premium strategy is to support disadvantaged pupils in achieving their potential, both academically and socially. Through this strategy we will identify the barriers that vulnerable pupils face, including those with a social worker and young carers, and we will outline the provision and support in place to meet their needs.


This strategy adopts a tiered approach with quality first teaching at its heart. Evidence shows that ensuring every teacher is supported in delivering high-quality teaching is essential to achieving the best outcomes for all pupils, particularly the most disadvantaged among them. Our strategy also outlines specific intervention which will be used in a targeted and timely manner, including plans for education recovery.


Finally, the strategy will summarise our wider opportunity approaches. It is proven that academic and pastoral strategies work in an inter-related way and that understanding pupils social, emotional and wellbeing needs will lead to better educational outcomes.


The key principles of this strategy are to;


-Ensure that all adults within school have the highest expectations of all pupils, regardless of their background.


-Ensure an equity in teaching approach so that pupils are supported to achieve their best and that disadvantaged pupils perform in-line with their peers.


-Support all pupils to interact positively with others and promote their self-belief and confidence.

Pupil Premium Strategy 2024-25

Pupil Premium Strategy 2023-24

The Woodlands, Hartshill, Nuneaton,
Warwickshire, CV10 0SZ

Tel: 02476392272