Religious Education (R.E.)
At Michael Drayton Junior School we use the Warwickshire and Coventry agreed syllabus, selecting units which we feel is appropriate to the children in our school and the local area. The subject knowledge which is delivered builds on previous units taught and gives children a wider understanding of different religions, equipping them with the skills to tolerate and respect others and their beliefs.
Our curriculum is planned to:
- Develop tolerance and respect for different beliefs and ways in which other individuals choose to live their lives.
- Encourage children to question and investigate key concepts, questions of belonging, meaning, purpose and truth.
- Know and understand a range of world religions including Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Sikhism and Hinduism.
The school has regular collective worship for all pupils which is of a broadly Christian nature. Throughout the year we also learn about the special events and celebrations that occur in other world religions.
If you wish to withdraw your child from R.E. and collective worship you may do so, but please contact the Headteacher first.
Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 5 | Year 6 |
L2.1: Why are nature and the seasons significant for religion and worldviews?
| L2.4: How might your worldview lead you to do hard things for good reasons?
| U2.1: Who is Jesus?
| U2.4: What might it mean to live well?
L2.2: How are religions and worldviews shaped and expressed through art and architecture?
| L2.5: What or who is ‘God’ and how is the divine understood in theistic worldviews?
| U2.2: Why might ancient stories still be so important for religion and worldviews today?
| U2.5: How do beliefs and ideas about land shape the way human beings live?
L2.3: What can religion and worldviews tell us about conflict, peace, forgiveness and reconciliation and is that important?
| L2.6: Do you have to be part of a faith community to express an organised worldview?
| U2.3: Do religions change or stay the same?
| U2.6: How might your worldview impact on the way you understand death and beyond?