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Michael Drayton Junior School home page Michael Drayton Junior School home page

Michael Drayton Junior School

We Inspire, We Achieve, We Care

Contact Details

How will the school support my child when they arrive at MDJS or prepare them for transistion to secondary school?

  • We liaise very closely with our partner infant schools.  Our SENCo attends meetings with class teachers and the infant school SENCo to exchange information to ensure that the transition is as smooth as possible.    
  • The school supports pupils with Autistic Spectrum Disorder by making transition booklets which aim to reduce anxiety about forthcoming change. These booklets include photographs of their new classroom, teachers and school environment.
  • For pupils transferring to secondary school, our SENCo meets with the SENCo and Year Leaders from the local schools to pass on relevant information.  
  • Additional transition visits are arranged for children with SEND who would benefit from knowing the layout and members of staff before induction days.
The Woodlands, Hartshill, Nuneaton,
Warwickshire, CV10 0SZ

Tel: 02476392272