Meet The Team
Welcome from the Headteacher - Diane Compton-Belcher
Always working in Warwickshire and growing up in the local area I am fully aware of the high standards that Michael Drayton Junior School has and the positive contribution it makes to the area so when I was asked to join the school as Headteacher, it was an absolute honour, and of course I was more than happy to accept.
Years have since passed and the school continues to develop and go from strength to strength. I have too developed my leadership over the years and believe that Michael Drayton Junior School offers pupils first class education; offering a broad, balanced and enriched curriculum. Our collective aim is to give ALL pupils the opportunity to fulfil their potential and recognise that this is not possible without the support from parents – we thank you in advance
for your support throughout your child’s journey in our school. My team and I pride ourselves on having high expectations, wanting your children to receive nothing but the best whilst in our care.
By choosing to send your child to our school you are automatically agreeing to:
· ensure that your child attends school every day unless an illness or exeptional circumstances (to be agreed in advance) prevents them from doing so
· adhere to each and every school policy
· follow school procedures
· support the school and staff in their decision making
· teach your child basic life skills e.g. telling the time, tying shoe laces, using manners, to eat with a knife and fork, dress themselves, days of the week/months of the year etc..
· contribute to your child’s education by supporting them at home – listening to them read, practising timetables, completing homework etc..
· provide them with the necessary equipment: uniform, coat, PE kit etc…
· meet school deadlines e.g. signing home-link books, handing in letters etc..
· provide the school with up to date contact details
· inform the school of any change in the home environment that may impact on your child’s wellbeing
September 2020 saw our school grow to 5 form entry up to year 5; next year all year groups will be 5 form. Like previous years, this academic year plans to be exciting and packed full of new learning. We will continue to raise standards, further improve the school environment and create even more memorable experiences for all involved.
I look forward to sharing your child’s learning journey with you.